Anmol Barbeque Restaurant serves Pakistani cuisine and Karachi-style barbecued delights within a family-friendly atmosphere. In addition to the standard Pakistani cuisine ordered at the restaurant, Anmol Barbeque Restaurant also specializes in Indian cuisine and is the most trusted halal restaurant in the Chicago, serving 100% Zabiha halal. Enjoy mutton entrŽes, seafood, beef entrŽes, flatbread, chicken entrŽes, vegetables and specials from the charcoal grill.
If you want to try something you know that's going to be cooked well but new to you, try one of Anmol Barbeque Restaurant's specialty courses like chicken makhani, mutton biryani, mango habanero chicken and palak paneer. No matter what dish you choose, you'll be sure to get plenty of options for everyone in the family.