$$$$價格:中等價位 • Bistro • Zhongli District
-禁止攜帶外食或飲料No outside food or drinks allowed.-每人低消NT$500Minimum charge NT$500 per person o-所有價格均加收10%服務費All prices are subject to 10% service charge.-開瓶費NT$800/瓶 (不可抵低消)Corkage fee NT$800/bottle not included in minimum charge.-室內禁菸與禁吃檳榔(包含梯間)No smoking or betel nut chewing.-禁帶寵物No pets allowed.-破杯費NT$200/只Broken glass fee NT$200 each-嘔吐等髒污行為本店酌收清潔費,每區、每次$1500There is a cleaning fee of NT$1500/time for customers who vomit inside the facility or other personal circumstances-餐酒最後加點時間 01:00 AMLast order at 1AM🪩2025 密室跨年派對🪩沒兌換完畢的票券可以延用至2月底!!(來店消費仍需達到低消)