- NT$900以下
- NT$901到1500
- NT$1500以上
RUBIA: 日本季节性食材和墨西哥美食的完美融合
在位于涩谷中心地带的RUBIA,体验墨西哥和日本美食的融合。由Edo Kobayashi和DJ SARASA拥有,我们的餐厅已迅速成为东京美食爱好者的最爱。在新任厨师长塞萨尔-阿维拉-弗洛雷斯的带领下,我们的7道季节性品尝菜单(包括素食选择)和单点菜单的特点是用最好的日本季节性材料制作的墨西哥风格的菜肴。我们是迄今为止唯一一家用日本清酒配酒的墨西哥餐厅。我们位于二楼的调酒室TAHONA,提供用顶级龙舌兰酒和梅斯卡尔酒调制的特色鸡尾酒。
主廚的理念〔遊舌心嬉〕,保持一個愛玩的心態,在嘴裡感受,抓住心,製造快樂【完全預約制餐廳,僅吧台8個座位】【週二至週五】18:15 開門,入坐時間18:30 全體就坐開始用餐【週六・週日・國定假日】17:45 開門,入坐時間18:00 全體就坐開始用餐【套餐內容】餐費 25,000日圓(桌費¥500、消費稅、服務費另計)這是一場使用高湯演出〝極致美味〞的魔法秀。搭配日本清酒,可以享受美食中的幸福。【取消政策】※由於採購食材的關係,在前日、當日或未通知取消,將酌收取消費。★取消費是按人數收取。前兩日¥12,000 前日¥15,000 當日(深夜12點後)¥25,000
Sougo's cuisine is Shojin vegetarian, with an emphasis on seasonal ingredients (we can also cater to vegan guests).The restaurant's mission is to bring the teachings of Shojin vegetarian cuisine to the modern age, to bring out the best of the ingredients, and to utilize all of life we receive without wasting any of it. Combining the essence of a restaurant with "delicious, fun, and beautiful," we offer dishes that are both modern and traditional, with a few surprises thrown in.
【5 minutes from Daikanyama Station】Reservations are only accepted for the 12,000 yen per person course.Dinner course featuring organic vegetables and A4 Japanese black beef, served with carefully selected Japanese sake.【nami.nami】 is a restaurant that is a hideout for adults where you can enjoy high quality ingredients in a stylish space. We offer two types of courses to suit each of the four seasons. Organic vegetables and A4 Japanese black beef are lavishly used. The restaurant boasts a stylish. atmosphere with a concrete floor, and the interior is decorated with seasonal artwork that changes with the seasons. It can also be used for girls' parties and date nights.
預約須知:每人低消一杯飲料,套餐另收10%服務費由於吧台為高腳椅,攜帶6歲以下孩童需選擇包廂桌位。*包廂另+¥5,000(+tax)10歲以下孩童免費附贈和牛漢堡排拼盤以下是透過 OpenTable /inline 預訂的菜單選項:※ 套餐將於 17:30 或 20:30 開始 ※菜單「T」20,000 日元 (含消費稅)【前菜】近江牛鮭魚魚子醬和帕馬森芝士塔塔[T]傳奇的三明治【蔬菜】烤有機蔬菜和天婦羅【新鮮魚】青森鮭魚配海膽和泡泡醬油【肉類】近江牛肉片涮涮涮【主菜】近江牛T骨牛排【米飯】・岐阜產的越光米煮飯・魚沼產的越光米煮飯【湯品】松露和T骨湯【封面】・近江牛茶泡飯・近江牛咖哩口味茶泡飯※ 請選擇您喜歡的選項。【甜品和小吃】季節甜點【紀念品】使用近江牛的明日便當構想花了兩年的時間,預約需等待半年,在「U.kai」由廚師服務。這是世界上第一家實現近江母牛T骨牛排的餐廳,由於勤步行至牧場,才實現了此理念。T骨牛排不僅稀有,而且獨特美味,徹底講求品質,保鮮,烘烤。您可以在現場吧台享受動態的烹飪過程。