Girl & the Goat
現代美式料理•West LoopGirl & the Goat於2010年在現今遠近馳名的「餐廳一條街」開業時,曾一度開創出西環區休閒高級餐飲的新時代。用餐空間氛圍舒適自在,以鄉村時尚風格為主。你可以在此品嚐屢獲殊榮(詹姆斯•比爾德基金會大獎、《頂尖主廚大對決》、《料理鐵人》等競賽冠軍)的Stephanie Izard大膽融合各地料理特色烹調而成的各式菜餚,像是酸甜柴烤歐洲海鱸和羊肉餡餅等,在在證明了這家米其林星級餐廳之所以人氣持久不墜,乃是實至名歸,無庸置疑。
查看可預訂的時段MICHELIN Bib Gourmand
Rose Mary
克羅埃西亞菜•West LoopTop Chef winner Joe Flamm's Midwest-meets-Mediterranean restaurant is a love letter to Adriatic soul food, like tortellini djuvec (ratatouille) and cevapi (lamb and beef sausage) grilled over a centerpiece charcoal hearth—and it’s these hearty but unique flavors that spawned shoutouts from the Chicago Tribune, Eater, and more. The lively, industrial-chic space is full of lush hanging plants, azure-colored tiles, and red clay accents that complete the coastal Adriatic vibe.
查看可預訂的時段MICHELIN Plate
Daisies Chicago
美式料理•Logan SquareThis Logan Square pasta spot got a fresh start in a spacious home in 2023, after which it nabbed raves from the Chicago Tribune and a MICHELIN Green Star for sustainability. Much of the produce at this Italian-by-way-of-the-Midwest restaurant comes from chef Joe Frillman's brother's farm outside Chicago. Find it in playful dishes like onion dip with housemade Ruffles, fritto misto with cheese curds, and pierogi with mussels and beer.
查看可預訂的時段MICHELIN Bib Gourmand
Tre Dita
義大利料理•River North (Chicago)洛杉磯的人氣主廚Evan Funke和芝加哥的餐飲巨擘Lettuce Entertain You攜手合作,在萬豪集團的瑞吉飯店內開設了這麼一家別具特色的托斯卡尼牛排館,讓人無比驚艷。這家餐廳有口感柔順綿滑的義大利麵和頂級牛排,以及高達700瓶以上且全部都產自義大利的葡萄酒酒單從,再加上從40英尺高的樓層窗戶望出去,密西根湖及芝加哥河的驚人美景盡收眼底,儼然成為慶祝特殊節日的極致首選。
查看可預訂的時段Akahoshi Ramen
日式料理•Logan SquareOne of Bon Appétit's 2024 best new restaurants in America, this Logan Square spot is the brainchild of Mike Satinover, better known as "Ramen Lord" to the fan base he built up over a decade posting about ramen on Reddit. Get comfortable at one of the spacious booths, or watch the action at the counter overlooking the kitchen, and choose from four different ramens like the Akahoshi Miso, with pork chashu and bamboo shoots. Each bowl is made with incredible attention to detail, showcasing just how nuanced ramen can be.
現代美式料理•Lincoln Park自2003年開業以來,名廚Lee Wolen的米其林一星餐廳始終堅持在這個華麗氣派且草木扶疏的用餐空間中,讓顧客享用這座城市裡首屈一指的當代美式料理。菜單上的品項平易近人且匠心獨具,以大膽創新的料理技法和純粹簡約的呈現方式,突顯出當季食材的絕佳風味—黑松露烤雞和牛肝菌瑞可塔起司球勢其中兩道廣獲好評的招牌料理。餐廳後方的露臺空間,綠樹成蔭,更是讓人流連忘返。