Fat Ox
義大利料理•Central Scottsdale來自The Mission的得獎主廚Matt Carter在Fat Ox探索義大利鄉村料理的精髓,研發出令人大呼過癮的菜單。這家現代餐廳佔地7,000平方英尺,以馬鞍皮革和深色木材主要裝潢建材。你可以來這裡享用新鮮的義大利麵和烤肉,其中包含有25層的千層麵和40盎司的丁骨牛排。家庭式的菜單非常適合多人聚餐,提供從開胃菜到甜點、總共四道菜的套餐。
查看可預訂的時段Ocean 44
餐廳•Central Scottsdale曾於Steak 44任職、榮獲詹姆斯比爾德獎提名的Mastro兄弟在Ocean 44開始大玩海鮮料理,他們提供最上等的阿拉斯加帝王蟹蟹腿、緬因州龍蝦、智利海鱸和澳洲和牛等來自世界各地的高級食材。寬敞的用餐區域與食物一樣展現出當代奢華,你將在此見識到5.5公尺長的生猛海鮮吧,以及讓豐富酒單一覽無遺的玻璃酒窖。
查看可預訂的時段Steak 44
牛排館•Central PhoenixMastro家族與牛排有著深遠的淵源,年輕一輩更是在Steak 44大展身手,將經典牛排館菜單玩出新意,設計出新時代的肉類料理—以任何部位的肉製作的牛排都會放上蟹肉餅或松露龍蝦尾,再搭配油炸蘆筍或玉米烤布蕾等配菜。深色皮革、奢華的裝潢細節以及擁有3,000瓶酒的酒窖則為整體用餐體驗增添高檔氛圍。
查看可預訂的時段The Mission – Old Town Scottsdale
拉丁美洲菜•Old Town Scottsdale能夠獲得亞利桑那州餐廳協會頒發的終身成就獎的廚師絕不簡單,就像2024年因為對於亞利桑那州烹飪文化的貢獻而獲獎的Matt Carter。他從美洲食物中大量汲取靈感來設計出The Mission菜單,其中包含手工製成的玉米薄餅、新鮮現做的莎莎醬,以及用墨西哥的研缽和杵盛放在桌邊的酪梨醬,在在展示出當地農產之豐饒。
查看可預訂的時段Cafe Monarch
現代美式料理•Old Town ScottsdaleThere's a reason this stunner in historic Old Town Scottsdale is consistently ranked among the most romantic restaurants in the region. Ornate chandeliers, ivy-covered walls, and white tablecloths set the mood for a seasonal, four-course tasting menu that might include duck breast with apricot chutney. Pair that with selections from one of the best wine lists in the city.
查看可預訂的時段Virtu Honest Craft
現代歐式菜•Old Town ScottsdaleOne of the Phoenix New Times's top 100 restaurants, this is the place to go for chef Gio Osso's regional Italian cooking. The menu changes frequently, but you'll find nods to his Mediterranean heritage in dishes like crispy-skin branzino with caper-infused brown butter. It's best enjoyed in the rustic, tree-covered outdoor dining area with a glass from the impressive Italian wine selection.
美式料理•BiltmoreLegendary PBS television host and James Beard-nominated chef Mark Tarbell opened his namesake restaurant in 1994, and it’s still one of the city’s hottest reservations. Come for classic dishes like Scotch beef and a grass-fed wagyu along with seasonal, seafood-forward mains, all served in a cozy space filled with paintings. A knockout wine list and fancy supplements like lobster and caviar make Tarbell’s the ultimate special occasion destination.
查看可預訂的時段Christopher's at Wrigley Mansion
現代法式料理•Biltmore詹姆斯比爾德獎得主Christopher Gross在這家與他同名的餐廳推出了全城數一數二有創意的品嚐菜單,引起眾多食客的讚嘆。這一場提供多道餐點的現代法式盛宴,主打魚子醬干貝嶼和牛壽喜燒等豪華菜餚,還有主廚Gross親自送上的開胃小點等有趣的驚喜安排。用餐環境與美食同樣令人驚艷—這家餐廳座落於山坡上古老豪宅內,充滿藝術氣息的裝潢被玻璃牆環繞,而且裝有可伸縮的屋頂。
墨西哥料理•West PhoenixBacanora於2021年在鳳凰城市中心開張後,迅速引起全美轟動,《紐約時報》、《Esquire》雜誌和當地媒體上佳評如潮,Rene Andrade 更因此在2024年獲得詹姆斯比爾德獎的西南部傑出主廚榮譽。這一切都要歸功於Andrade所設計的索諾拉沙漠美食(像是在明火上搖晃的戰斧牛排和鳳梨)搭配龍舌蘭調酒和自然酒,讓你在舒適愜意的環境中留下難以忘懷的回憶。
查看可預訂的時段James Beard Award
Latha Restaurant
現代美式料理•Downtown PhoenixLATHA在史瓦希利語中的意思是「風味」。這家熱門餐廳在2023年開張時推出的菜色,體現了巴西、加勒比海和美國南方非洲僑民料理的特殊風味,引起了《Phoenix》雜誌和《The Infatuation》網站的關注。歡迎你造訪這棟歷史悠久的古宅,一邊欣賞定期舉行的現場音樂表演,一邊大啖炸雞、香蕉萊姆酒鬆餅和燒烤牛尾等等美味佳餚。
現代墨西哥料理•West Phoenix《Bon Appétit》和《Esquire》雜誌都將Chilte評為2023年最炙手可熱的新餐廳之一,從其菜單即可看出這一切絕非浪得虛名。活用新鮮玉米薄餅、當季農產品和家庭食譜來發揮創意,推出不斷求變的「新流派」墨西哥料理,例如可以與不同油炸捲餅和醬汁搭配的招牌自製莫蕾醬。主廚Lawrence “LT” Smith不但被《Food & Wine》雜誌選入2024年最佳新銳主廚名單,且持續獲獎不斷。
查看可預訂的時段the larder & the delta
美國南部菜•Central PhoenixThe larder & the delta has been a comfort for nearly a decade, and it moved into a cozy home with a new menu in 2024. James Beard semifinalist Stephen Jones folds local and seasonal produce into Southern cooking with unexpected dishes like chicken-fried mushrooms and country ham–style swordfish. Start with the multi-course tasting menu, that has one seating on weekdays and two on weekends, and then look on the restaurant's Instagram for specials like brunch and chef collaboration dinners.