※即使是無法訂位的日子,請來電洽詢,有時候也能幫您備好座位。If the day can not be booked,please contact us by phone or email※網路訂位系統無法指定座位。Please understand that the reservation system cannot specify seating area※如果無法選擇您要的人數,請來電洽詢。,訂席專線02-81018268Please to make us a call +886-2-81018268 or send us an e-mail:daantonio1015f@gmail.com we will arrange for you※若是訂當天的座位,請來電洽詢。※若要變更或取消訂位,請來電洽詢。※入席時間均不多做保留須要準時入席,敬請知悉;若未於時間内到達,將優先請現場. 等候的顧客入座。We would like to remind you that there is no retention time of our seats and please do not forget to be on time※您訂位時提供的電話號碼或電子郵件若是有誤的話,將視為您取消訂位。請務必輸入正確的電話號碼和電子郵件。※若無事先通知而訂位卻沒來的話,以後可能無法再接受您的訂位。