乾杯集團頂級日本和牛鍋物專門店日本鍋物傳教士,令人身心皆暖的鍋物黑毛屋本家 台中市政店限定 蔬菜豆腐吃到飽A Japanese Wagyu Specialty Hotpot Restaurant.The Missionary of Japanese Hotpot. A Hotpot which “Warms Your Heart and Comforts Your Body.”黑毛屋本家以日本鍋物傳教士之姿,提供暖心暖胃的鍋物料理。嚴選頂級日本和牛、西班牙 Bellota 伊比利豬、雲林黑羽土雞等三大食材,以及貼心的桌邊服務,展現暖心暖胃的品牌 DNA。透過對日本道地鄉土鍋物文化的瞭解,帶領饕客品嚐季節之味,感受細膩的味覺變化,傳遞正宗日本鍋物文化精隨。As the missionary of Japanese Hotpot, Kurogeya Honke provides hotpot cuisine that “Warms your heart and comforts your body”.Kurogeya presents the core identity of the brand with deluxe Japanese Wagyu, Iberico de Bellota Pork, and Native Chicken from Yunlin with thoughtful tableside service.With the authentic background of Japanese hotpot cuisine, Kurogeya delivers the essence of Japanese hotpot culture to foodies to enjoy seasonal ingredients with all the senses.