$$$$價格:中等價位 • Fusion • 新興區
台灣最歡樂的燒肉店!感受活著真好的感動,一起大口吃肉痛快乾杯The Most Joyful Yakiniku Restaurant in Taiwan!Get the Touch Feeling of Being Alive, Let’s Chow Down and Drink Up!乾杯燒肉居酒屋自詡為每位顧客的「元氣加油站」,堅持提供長期穀物肥育、高品質的澳洲和牛,透過全程冷藏配送及時間熟成管理,享受大口吃肉、大口喝酒的人生至樂!從 1999 年開始在台北東區的小巷弄中萌芽、逐年茁壯,是為乾杯集團原點,更創造出膾炙人口的「八點乾杯、親親五花肉、牛排猜猜看」等熱鬧活動。經過多年的淬鍊與進化,乾杯要用入口時的美味感動,以及充滿青春氣息的活力氛圍,為辛勞一整天的顧客們,注入滿滿的前進動力,創造屬於台灣的燒肉文化!Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant proudly proclaim that we are "Gas Station" for every customer by insisting on providing long-term grain fed and high-quality Australian Wagyu through cold chain delivery and aging management, customers can enjoy the joy of eating while drinking!Kanpai Group was founded in an alley in Taipei's East District in 1999. With all the grinding and hustling, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant provides customers with creative and popular activities such as "8 o'clock Kanpai, Kissing Challenge, Wagyu Steak for free? What is your best guess?".After years of hard work and improvement, Kanpai Yakiniku Restaurant is devoted to providing energies to our customers through delicious and mouthful meat, irresistible drinks, and lively dining environment. This is a special yakiniku culture started in Taiwan.