位於Neukölln的優質無國界料理 / 多元風味料理餐廳
One of the most unique bar groups in the UK providing an unrivalled drinking and dining experience. The Alchemist has delivered their molecular mixology to Potsdamer Platz. The creative cocktail bar and restaurant is renowned for executing theatre in everything they do. With drinks that change colour, smoke and even disappear. The experiential cocktail menu is guaranteed to charm and delight. This cocktail bar is perfect for starting your night, and the infectious atmosphere will have you staying for longer. Work your way through the extensive menu in this beautifully designed venue. The restaurant offers a playful food menu with dishes inspired by South East Asia and the Americas. Small plates perfect for sharing and fusion dishes make this spot a great destination for friends or date night. From brunch to late night nibbles with a great mix of plant-based & vegetarian dishes are on offer also.
„ROOT“ im Telegraphenamt: Fine Dining unter einem Glasdach im Herzen Berlins. Der historische Innenhof wurde in eine einzigartige Oase aus Design, Natur und kulinarischer Vielfalt verwandelt. Authentische Gerichte verbinden Handwerkskunst und Kreativität – von Sushi im „ROOT Style“ bis zu internationalen Kreationen. Eine Bühne für Begegnungen, die Vergangenheit und Zukunft vereint. Erleben Sie die Magie eines modernen Gewächshauses mit tropischem Flair und einem Blick in den Berliner Nachthimmel.