Betty's Pies, in Two Harbors, is a renowned bakery and restaurant serving delectable homemade fare in its casual and friendly eatery. Scrumptious lunch and dinner entrées include the chicken pastie with root vegetables and cheddar cheese stuffed in a savory pastry, the north star tacos breaded fish filets with kimchi slaw and the beargrease burger with pepper jack cheese, caramelized onions and chipotle mayo. Daily breakfast is another popular feature at Betty's Pies, when you can enjoy a bumbleberry pancake platter served with eggs and the ham and cheese omelets.
And of course, you cannot leave Betty's Pies without trying some pie! Multiple varieties are baked fresh daily, with standout options including the 5 layer butterscotch pie with cinnamon meringue, the French blueberry pie on graham cracker crust and the turtle coconut pie with caramel, pecans and coconut custard, all of which are simply divine.