Lynches Pub & Grub provides a friendly neighborhood environment where diners can enjoy a satisfying dining experience. Operated by Jason and Lisa Burns, the eatery has been serving delicious dishes to the customers for more than 13 years. The ambiance of the eatery is upbeat and lively while the customer service is responsive and friendly. The eatery provides both dine-in and outdoor dining options.
Lynches Pub & Grub serves a number of American and Irish food items. Buffalo Wings with fries or smoked salmon with cheese, capers, onions, and a baguette are some of the popular starters. In the main menu items, the popular dishes include New York Angus steak, Irish stew, cork cottage pie and fresh salmon fillet. Guests dining at Lynches Pub & Grub can also order eggs anytime, sandwiches, and circle salads.