O Convite - Hotel DG菜單的最後更新時間:2022-02-01。
Sandwiches & Snacks
House made chips portion
Ham and cheese sandwich
Toasted bread with butter
Cured ham sandwich, lettuce and tomato on white bread
Tuna sandwich, lettuce, tomato, egg and mayo
Toasted ham and cheese sandwich
Sliced smoked ham
Cheese, bacon, ham, egg, lettuce, tomato and mayo on white bread with chips
Mix of cheeses with homemade marmalade and dry fruits
Cheeses and sliced smoked ham
Vegetables cream soup
Suggestion of the day soup
Fish soup with bread croutons
Light Meals; Serviço disponível das 12:00 às 15:00 e das 19:30 às 22:00 [Available from 12:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m. and from 7:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m.]
Chicken steak on small white bread with butter
Chicken wrap with com, carrots, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise
Steak sandwich on traditional bread with mustard
Smoked salmon wrap with Philadelphia cheese, mango, arugula and tomato
Hamburger with onion, tomato, lettuce, egg and bacon
Goat cheese & Vegetables roll with strawberry balsamic sauce
Smoked salmon salad with grapefruit and orange, grilled green asparagus and philadephia cheese sauce, natural yoghurt and chives
Hake fillets from Nazaré with tomato rice and green salad
Risotto with mushrooms, spinach, parmesan cheese
Steak with egg and french potatoes
Today's pastry suggestion
Sabores: baunilha, chocolate, morango, noz, limão, nata, tangerina e caramelo [Flavours: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, chestnut, lemon, cream, grapefruit and caramel]
Chocolate cake
Creme custard
Snow pancakes with two flavours (creme custard and chocolate sauce)
Apple pie
Crepe with vanilla ice-cream, almonds and hot chocolate sauce
"Convite cup" ice-cream with fresh vanilla, chocolate and strawberry ice-cream, fresh fruits and hot chocolate sauce
Fruit salad
Piece of seasonal fruit
Tropical Fruit
Sparkling wine sangria
Sparkling Wine
Aroma frutos tropicais, boa acidez [Aroma tropical fruits, good acidity]
Por favor solicite a Carta de Vinhos para outras opções de vinhos [Please ask for the Wine List for other wine options]
Fino, fresco e com fruta [Thin, fresh and with fruit]
Aroma a frutos tropicais [Tropical fruit scent]
Aroma floral, fresco e delicado [Floral scent, fresh and delicate]
Equilibrio entre fruta e acidez, notas de lima [Balance between fruit and acidity, notes of lime]
Aroma de casca de tangerina e flores brancas, intenso e volumoso [White flowers and tangerine peel scent, intense and voluptuous]
Na boca é encorpado, final de boca elegante e persistente [Encorporated in the mouth, elegant and persistent end in the mouth]
Corpo equilibrado, caráter floral e frutos secos maduros [Balanced body, floral caracter and mature dry fruits]
Fresco, elegante e macio [Fresh, elegante and soft]
Boas notas de fruta preta com taninos suaves [Good notes of black fruit with soft tannins]
Aroma de especiarias e fruta preta com suaves notas de favos de mel [Black fruit and spices scent with soft notes of honey combs]
Available in 33 cl / 50 cl
Mango, pear or apple juice
Orange juice
Mango juice
Pinneaple juice
Mango, pineapple, papaya
Seasonal fruits shake
Bebidas Quentes / Hot Drinks
Black expresso coffee
Glass of milk
American coffee
Nespresso coffee
Coffee with milk
Coffee with cream
Milk with chocolate
Green tea
English Breakfast Black tea English Breakfast
Black tea with apple and cinnamon flavour
Lemon Verbena
Fresh from the garden peppermint
Rooibos chocolate and vanilla
Soothing blend
Red berry explosion
Herb prince, ginger and citrus
One tea / herbal tea and two cup
Componha com / Compose with: Citrinos, Coentros, Pimenta Rosa, Zimbro, Pétalas de Rosa, manjericão, Carpaccio de Uva, Carpaccio de Azeitona, Pepino, Infusão de Frutos Vermelhos, Infusão de Citrinos, Hortelã. Todos os Gin's setvidos com agua Nordic. Comagua Fever-Tree acresce 1 € [Citrus, Coriander, Pink Pepper, Juniper, Rose Petals, Basil, Grape Carpaccio, Olive Carpaccio, Cucumber, Infusion of Forest Fruits, Infusion of Citrus, Mint. All Gin's with Nodic water. Fever Tree water will have an extra charge of 1 €]
Destiled Drinks
Aperitive Wines
After Dinner
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2495-450 Fatima Fatima, Rua Jacinta Marto 100,