Redo XXL is known for creating everything big. One famous stunt was to create a TV record fish stick using 170 whole cod fried in 180 liters of sunflower oil. You can order a stone oven pizza at Redo XXL that is almost a half a meter wide. Feast on a 1.3 kilo schnitzel or a pork cutlet that is served with two types of sauces.
Go big Texas style at Redo XXL with 2 kilogram spare ribs that have been cooked so tender the meat falls off the bone or try the chicken wings served with Texicana salsa sauce.
Kalt-Warmes Buffet für 50-5000 Personen
inkl. Leihequipment, Sevicepersonal, Getränke
und Allround-Service<br>Bühnenverleih sowie Vermittlung von Showacts, Komplettcaterings