Wienstein & Gavino's
- 適合團體聚餐
- 適合特殊節日
- 氣氛熱絡
With three levels, it offers everything from a unique open kitchen with a large outdoor terrace to a fabulous bar.
Wienstein & Gavino's satisfies all tastes, serving pizza from a spectacular oven, homemade fresh pasta and other Italian favourites while maintaining a rustic Mediterranean atmosphere.
- 餐廳風格休閒餐飲
- 價位CAN$31至CAN$50
- 料理義大利料理, 披薩店, 鷄尾酒吧
- 營業時間每日 11:00–00:00
- 電話號碼(514) 288-2231
- 付款選項Mastercard, Visa, 美國運通
- Dress code正式休閒
- 鄰近地區Downtown
- 十字路口Rue Sainte-Catherine
- Parking details路邊停車
- Public transitAccessible by Metro Peel or Guy-Concordia on the Green line or from Lucien-L'Allier on the Orange line, Public bus service available.
- 其他啤酒, 外帶, 外送, 戶外用餐, 標準酒吧, 歡樂時光, 深夜, 無障礙通道, 無麩質菜單, 純素食者, 葡萄酒, 酒吧/酒廊, 雞尾酒, 露台/户外用餐
Wienstein & Gavino's菜單的最後更新時間:2024-09-03。
Chourizo alla Griglia**CA$17.00
Chourizo grillé, olives Kalamata, tomates cerise, fenouil rôti, basilic, oignons [Grilled chorizo, Kalamata olives, cherry tomatoes, roasted fennel, basil, onions]
Boulettes de riz aux tomates séchées, parmigiano et mozzarella, sauce tomate [Rice balls with sun-dried tomatoes, Parmigiano & mozzarella, tomato sauce]
Minestrone con FagioliCA$8.00
Légumes, haricots, bouillon de tomate [Vegetables, beans, tomato broth]
Burrata in BruschettaCA$14.00
Burrata maison, pistaches, miel, basilic, crostini, réduction de balsamique [Homemade Burrata, pistachio, honey, basil, crostini, balsamic reduction]
Bruschetta al PomodoroCA$12.00
Tomates, basilic, oignons, parmigiano, réduction de balsamique, crostini [Tomatoes, basil, onions, Parmigiano, balsamic reduction, crostini]
Cozze TarantinaCA$19.00
Moules, tomates, safran, échalotes, persil, vin blanc, crostini à l'ail, sauce tomate [Mussels, tomatoes, saffron, shallots, parsley, white wine, garlic crostini, tomato sauce]
Zuppa del GiornoCA$8.00
Soupe du jour [Soup of the day]
Calamari FrittiCA$23.00
Calmars frits, sauce diablo et aioli [Fried calamari, diablo sauce and aioli]
Salsiccia ItalianaCA$16.00
Saucisse italienne, pepperonata, crostini à l'ail [Italian sausage, pepperonata, garlic crostini]
Boulettes de viande, sauce tomate, copeaux de parmigiano [Meatballs, tomato sauce, Parmigiano shavings]
Pieuvre grillée, tomates, olives, câpres, purée de pois chiche [Grilled octopus, tomatoes, olives, capers, chickpea purée]
Burrata Ratatouille CrostiniCA$21.00
Insalata CesarCA$16.00
Laitue romaine, vinaigrette César, copeaux de parmigiano, croûtons [Romaine lettuce, Caesar dressing, Parmigiano shavings, croutons]
Insalata di GavinoCA$19.00
Romaine, roquette, carottes, bocconcini, oignons, olives, pepperoncini, vinaigrette au vin rouge [Romaine, arugula, carrots, bocconcini, onions, olives, pepperoncini, red wine vinaigrette]
Insalata di RucolaCA$19.00
Roquette, radicchio, mandarines, copeaux de parmigiano, vinaigrette balsamique et miel [Arugula, radicchio, mandarines, parmesan shavings, balsamic and honey vinaigrette]
Insalata CapreseCA$18.00
Tomates, fior di latte, pesto au basilic, huile d'olive, réduction balsamique [Tomatoes, fior di latte, basil pesto, olive oil, balsamic reduction]
Insalata MediterraneaCA$19.00
Tomates, poivrons, olives, oignons rouges, concombres, fromage de chèvre, huile d'olive, vinaigre de vin rouge [Tomatoes, peppers, olives, red onions, cucumbers, goat cheese, olive oil, red wine vinaigrette]
Ajouts / Add-0ns
Poulet Grillé Marine aux Herbes / Marinated Herb-Grilled ChickenCA$8.00
Crevettes Tigrées Grillées / Grilled Tiger Shrimp
- 3 Pour / 3 forCA$12.00
Picatta al LimoneCA$32.00
Veau de lait, vin blanc, citron, persil, câpres, èchalotes, beurre [Milk-fed veal, white wine, lemon, parsley, capers, shallots, butter]
Salmone alla GrigliaCA$32.00
Saumon grillé, mayo à l’aneth, èchalotes, et citron Grilled salmon, dill, shallot, and lemon mayo
Costoletta di AgnelloCA$38.00
Côtelèttes d'agneau grillées [Grilled lamb chops]
Pollo alla ParmigianaCA$30.00
Poitrine de volaille panée, parmigiano, gratin au mozzarella [Breaded chicken breast, Parmigiano, mozzarella gratin]
Vitello MarsalaCA$32.00
Escalope de veau de lait, sauce au vin Marsala, champignons [Milk-fed veal scaloppine, Marsala wine sauce, mushrooms]
Costatta di ManzoCA$44.00
Côte de boeuf certifiée Angus (18oz) grillée [Grilled certified Angus rib steak (18oz)]
Gamberetto GrigiliatoCA$33.00
Crevettes marinées grillées, ail, vin blanc, paprika [Grilled marinated shrimp, garlic, white wine, paprika]
Bistecca di ManzoCA$35.00
Contrefilet de boeuf grillé, sauce demi-glace, poivre et crème [Grilled Sirloin steak, demi-glace sauce, pepper and cream]
Risotto funghi di BoscoCA$30.00
Champignons portobello, café et royaux, asperges, épinards, échalotes [Portobello, king and coffee mushrooms, asparagus, spinach, shallots]
Risotto del PescatoreCA$35.00
Del Pescatore. Moules, palourdes, crevettes, pétoncles, calmars, safran, bouillon de homard [Mussels, clams, shrimp, scallops, calamari, saffron, lobster broth]
Ajoutez Une Boulette Deviande [Add a Meat Ball] $6. Pâte Sans Gluten [Gluten-Free Dough] $5. [** CONTIENT DU PORC / CONTAINS PORK]
Sauce tomate, basilic, mozzarella [Tomato sauce, basil, mozzarella]
Sauce tomate, pepperoni, champignons, poivrons, mozzarella [Tomato sauce, pepperoni, mushrooms, peppers, mozzarella]
Sauce tomate, tomates séchées au four, poivrons, zucchini, oignons, artichauts, mozzarella, ricotta [Tomato sauce, oven-dried tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, onions, artichokes, mozzarella, ricotta]
Salsicce e Rapini**CA$23.00
Sauce tomate, saucisse italienne émiétté, rapini, tomates cerise rôites, mozzarella, ricotta [Tomato sauce, ground Italian sausage, rapini, roasted cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, ricotta]
Il Maialino**CA$24.00
Sauce tomate, capicollo, pepperoni, bacon, mortadelle, poivrons forts, mozzarella [Tomato sauce, capicollo, pepperoni, bacon, mortadella, spicy peppers, mozzarella]
Sauce tomate, épinards, ail, œuf, mozzarella, huile d’olive, tomates séchées, ricotta [Tomato sauce, spinach, garlic, egg, mozzarella, olive oil, oven dried tomatoes, ricotta]
Cinque FormaggiCA$24.00
Mozzarella, provolone, Gorgonzola, brie, cheddar
Bologna di WG **CA$24.00
Sauce bolognese, cheddar mixte, bacon, mozzarella, basilic [Bolognese sauce, mixed cheddar, bacon, mozzarella, basil]
Gamberi CapesanteCA$24.00
Sauce béchamel, pesto au basilic, crevettes, pétoncles, fromage mozzarella [Bechamel sauce, basil pesto, shrimp, scallops, mozzarella cheese]
Pollo PestoCA$24.00
Pesto au basilic, poulet rôti, poivrons, oignons, jalapeño, provolone fumé [Basil pesto, roasted chicken, peppers, onions, jalapeño, smoked provolone]
Funghi e CipollaCA$24.00
Champignons sauvages, oignons caramélisés, fromage de chèvre, mozzarella, huile de truffe [Wild mushrooms, caramelized onions, goat cheese, mozzarella, truffle oil]
Choix de pâtes fraîches [Choice of fresh pasta]: Capelli d'angelo, Spaghetti, Linguine, Linguine Grains, Entiers, Fettuccine Papardelle, Farfalle, Fusilli, Penne Rigati, Penne sans Gluten. Extra $3.50 - Tortelloni ,gnocchi. [** CONTIENT DU PORC / CONTAINS PORK]
Sauce tomate, basilic [Tomato sauce, basil]
Crème, parmigiano [Cream, Parmigiano]
Sauce tomate, crème, basilic [Tomato sauce, cream, basil]
Sauce à la viande, basilic [Meat sauce, basil]
Pesto al BasilicoCA$23.00
Pesto au basilic, noix de pins, crème [Basil pesto, pine nuts, cream]
Al Sole e BurrataCA$27.00
Huile d'olive, tomates séchées, tomates cerise, burrata, basilic [Olive oil, sun-dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, burrata, basil]
Pollo alla "Sofia"CA$27.00
Volaille, tomates cerises rôties, échalotes, fromage de chèvre, parmigiano [Chicken, roasted cherry tomatoes, shallots, goat cheese, Parmigiano]
Funghi di BoscoCA$24.00
Champignons sauvages, vin blanc, persil, crême [Wild mushrooms, white wine, parsley, cream]
Salsiccia e Gamberi**CA$27.00
Chorizo, crevettes, tomates fraîches, roquette, ail, vin [Chorizo, shrimp, fresh tomatoes, arugula, garlic, wine]
Crème, parmigiano, oeuf, bacon, échalotes [Cream, Parmigiano, egg, bacon, scallions]
Primavera EstivaleCA$24.00
Sauce tomate, légumes saisonniers, vin blanc, basil [Tomato sauce, seasonal vegetables, white wine, basil]
Gamberi MacchiatoCA$28.00
Crevettes, ail, piments forts, vin blanc, persil, tomates cerise, bouillon de homard [Shrimp, garlic, chili peppers, white wine, parsley, cherry tomatoes, lobster broth]
Misto di MareCA$32.00
Sauce tomate, moules, palourdes, crevettes, pétoncles, calmars, vin blanc [Tomato sauce, mussels, clams, shrimp, scallops, calamari, white wine]
Sauce tomate, crème, prosciutto, champignons, basilic [Tomato sauce, cream, prosciutto, mushrooms, basil]
Palourdes, tomates, vin blanc, chili [Clams, tomatoes, white wine, chili]
Ravioli alla GavinoCA$24.00
Ravioli farcis au parmesan, romano, ricotta et épinards, sauce Alfredo, pesto au tomates séchées, épinards [Ravioli stuffed with parmesan, romano, ricotta & spinach, Alfredo sauce, sun-dried tomato pesto, spinach]
Lasagna di CarneCA$25.00
Mac & Cheese
Mac & Cheese*CA$29.00
Bacon, Chorizo, Cheddar, Provolone Fumé, Brie, Parmigiano, Oignons Caramélisés, Panko [Bacon, Chorizo, Cheddar, Smoked Provolone, Brie, Parmigiano, Caramelized Onions, Panko]
Dolce / Desserts
Croustade aux Pommes, Crème Glacée à la VanilleCA$10.00
Warm apple cobbler, vanilla ice cream
Le Tiramisù de Monsieur GavinoCA$11.00
Mr. Gavino's signature tiramisù
Gâteau au Fromage au NutellaCA$11.00
Nutella cheese cake
Gâteau au ChocolatCA$11.00
Chocolate cake
Sorbet Artisanal Framboise, Pêche Ou CitronCA$10.00
Artisanal raspberry, peach or lemon sorbet
Crème Glacée Italienne - Chocolate, Vanille, Érable et NoixCA$9.00
Italian ice cream - chocolate, vanilla, maple walnut
Tarte au CitronCA$10.00
Lemon Pie
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