想找New York State服務品質最好的餐廳嗎?來這裡就對了!每個月,OpenTable會分析過去四個月收到的近200萬則來自全球的食客評論。我們會按照地點和分類列出搜尋結果,幫助你找到新的愛店。這是雙贏的夥伴關係:你訂位、吃飯、撰寫評論;我們傾聽意見,並提供對所有人都有用的分析結果。開飯吧!
Now open on Mondays! Open on Easter Sunday, Mother's Day and any other Sundays by Special Request. Flames Steakhouse founded in 1992 by Nikolla Vulaj as the premier American Steakhouse in New York ‘s Westchester County. It has been lauded by local and national critics as the benchmark for American Cuisine.