Diners' Choice:位於Little Rock / Central Arkansas的人氣熱點餐廳
想找Little Rock / Central Arkansas人氣最高的餐廳嗎?來這裡就對了!每個月,OpenTable會分析過去四個月收到的近200萬則來自全球的食客評論。我們會按照地點和分類列出搜尋結果,幫助你找到新的愛店。這是雙贏的夥伴關係:你訂位、吃飯、撰寫評論;我們傾聽意見,並提供對所有人都有用的分析結果。開飯吧!
Vault restaurant is on the main floor of the original Bank Building, built in 1909 in Historic Downtown Hot Springs, AR. We have preserved the original bank vault that allows for private dining for groups up to 4. Our attention is on all the details... “all the way down to the salt and pepper shakers.” We hope you will join us for your Timeless Vault Dining Experience.Please note that parties of 6 or more may have a gratuity of 21% added.
Dinner service on Tuesday through Thursday is from 5:00 to 8:30. The bar closes at 9:00
Dinner service on Friday and Saturday is from 5:00 to 9:30. The bar closes at 10:00.
No outside food or beverage please, INCLUDING CAKES.
Vault will be closed X-Mas Eve, X-Mas Day, New Years Day. We will be open Easter and Mother's Day.
FOR FLOWERS, CHOCOLATES, ETC, PLEASE GO TO : https://hotspringsfloristgifts.com
Vault will be open on NEW YEARS EVE. Menu is posted under ".Menus"